Abortion Help Bloomington, MN
If you are a woman or man who is facing an unplanned pregnancy in Bloomington, MN, you have several options, abortion is not the only choice. Her Choice, MN wants to help you know what that abortion help is out there. Take your time to investigate all options. Gather as much information as possible so that you can make a careful, informed decision that’s best for you and your child.
When you call Her Choice, MN you will be connected to an anonymous resource line created just for people like you, people who didn’t know where to go for help. Her Choice, MN provides information on adoption resources, abortion facts, abortion related stories from women who have chosen abortion and other women who have chosen to have their babies.
When you call 952-461-4000 you will be connected to Her Choice, MN, part of the National Post-Abortion Awareness Campaign, this is a unique service created to give a voice to women and men who live with the aftermath of their abortion decision and want to help educate those who need help with their own crisis pregnancies.
Her Choice isn’t a Bloomington, MN abortion center, but are a resource available to help those contemplating abortion. If you or someone you know needs abortion help, Her Choice, MN was created for you. Call anytime, any day. Her Choice, MN offers a unique service to help with the unanswered question and offer hope to those thinking of abortion.

Abortion Alternative Help Bloomington, MN
Her Choice, MN is not an abortion center in the Bloomington, MN but it is an opportunity for anyone experiencing a crisis pregnancy to hear pre-recorded stories of women and men who have been impacted by the trauma of abortion. We are here to offer crisis pregnancy help to our community in a manner that is respectful and anonymous and available anytime. We understand how tough this time in your life can be, and we want to offer positive, life-affirming assistance.
A crisis pregnancy is a planned or unplanned pregnancy that has become a serious problem for the mother due to any number of factors. The choice to have an abortion is often made in a fearful, highly emotional time by people that may have made a different choice with more information.
Her Choice, MN also has information for men, abortion facts and related talks to offer alternatives to abortion. Her Choice, MN connects people who want to share their experiences with crisis pregnancy with those who need guidance. Sometimes listening to someone talk about their own abortion experience can be just the information needed to make an informed decision. Our goal with Her Choice, MN is to offer truthful information and tangible assistance to women and their families who are facing a crisis pregnancy in Bloomington, MN.
When you call 952-461-4000 you will hear a greeting and be directed to pick the option that most appeals to your needs, you can listen to as many as you want and you will hear pre-recorded personal abortion experiences of both women and men.

Crisis Pregnancy Bloomington, MN
Many Bloomington, MN women are faced with an unplanned, crisis pregnancy. Too often, the first thing they think about is abortion. This isn’t the only option they have, which is what the Her Choice, MN is for. Women should learn as much as they can in order to be able to decide whether or not parenting is right for them.
When you dial Her Choice, MN at 952-461-4000 you will learn about abortion alternatives, abortion facts, and hear stories from people who made choices in their own crisis pregnancies. You will hear testimonies from people who have kept their babies and from those who did not. This is designed to help you decide if you would like to become a parent, or if you are fully aware of the impact abortion can have on entire families. If you decide that parenting is not for you there are alternatives to abortion that you may not even have considered.
Our aim is to help those experiencing a crisis pregnancy know they have choices. That a woman can choose to save a life and have their baby and that adoption is a viable option. Her Choice, MN has resource referral number so when you hang up that phone you have the tools to make an informed choice about your life and the life of your baby.
Her Choice doesn’t serve as an abortion center, but as a free, 24-hour resource line for woman in crisis due to an unplanned pregnancy.

Abortion Alternatives Bloomington, MN
Every year, thousands of women in the Bloomington, MN struggle with the decisions surrounding an unexpected pregnancy. The pressure is not only internal—outside circumstances often adds confusion and pressure to the situation. Knowing where to call for abortion alternative information isn’t always easy. Her Choice, MN has made offering abortion alternative education their business. Part of the National Post-Abortion Awareness Campaign, Her Choice, MN is the leader in resource lines offering anonymous information to people struggling with a decision about abortion.
Her Choice, MN wants to raise awareness in the Bloomington, MN about the trauma of abortion for women and men and the abortion alternatives available to those that think abortion is the only answer for an “unwanted” pregnancy. Sharing the stories from real people, with real stories about side effects and consequences of abortion can make a difference to the person struggling with what to do where to go for abortion help.
Abortion is not just a simple medical procedure. For many women, it is a life changing event with significant physical, emotional, and spiritual consequences. Most women who struggle with past abortions say that they wish they had been told all of the facts about abortion, that’s what Her Choice, MN is for.
Some of the benefits of calling Her Choice, MN offer:
- Safe place for a woman to get information on this life-changing event
- A point of view that is not seeing the pregnancy as a “crisis” where the only way out is abortion
- For those who are unsure about what to do and need information
- For those who have had an abortion and need post-abortion support
For pregnancy advising and abortion alternatives help, please call The Metro Women’s Center @ 763-533-8642.