Abortion Alternatives and Abortion Help in Minnesota

Pregnancy, planned or unplanned, can seem overwhelming. Sometimes hearing someone talk about their own experience can be just what you need to help make an informed decision. Remember that you have time to make an informed choice. You do not have to make a permanent decision based on temporary circumatances. Her Choice, Mn offers support and help for women facing indecision due to an unplanned pregnancy in the Minneapolis/St. Paul areas.

Her Choice, Mn offers an opportunity for men or women facing a planned or unplanned pregnancy to hear personal stories, either on-line or anonymously over the phone, of others who have been affected by abortion.

Her Choice, Mn offers pregnancy information and abortion alternatives in a completely anonymous way. If you or someone you know needs information or help with an unplanned pregnancy, Her Choice, MN offers real help through personal stories and helpful links.

Before your choice…hear her choice…


Hear REAL testimonies from REAL women and MEN









Patti J. Smith

Watch Their Minds Change on Abortion…




My Adoption story.
I hope everyone can take a few minutes to watch.
( this will be shared on the website I have been asked to be featured on )

Posted by Crystal Taylor on Friday, April 7, 2017